Tufdek Blog

Hire a Contractor or DIY a New Vinyl Deck?

We all love to save money, but at the same time we all also love to have high-quality projects when it comes to our homes – so should you DIY a new vinyl deck, or hire a contractor? As with most thing, it depends on a few factors: Factor #1: Scope of Vinyl Deck How […]

5 Improvements to Increase Vinyl Deck Safety

As part of vinyl deck safety month, Tuff Industries has pulled together the top home improvements you can to complete increase the safety of your vinyl deck. No matter how old your deck is, you need to take care of it for long-term success and safety. One: Replace an old Vinyl Deck Membrane Think of […]

Celebrate National Deck Safety Month – Inspect Your Vinyl Deck

May is National Deck Safety Month, and for good reason. Every year thousands of decks fail or have major safety issues that cause injuries and even death. As the weather warms, consider looking over your vinyl deck to ensure it is safe – before there’s a problem. Tuff Industries wants you to have a safe […]

Vinyl Deck Safety Month is Just Around the Corner – Are you ready?

May is deck safety month, and at Tuff Industries we take deck safety very seriously. Whether you have a vinyl deck or a different type of deck surface, it’s important to look your deck over to ensure that it’s safe before you start hosting any backyard get-togethers. Feel free to check out the North American […]

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