Renovating a Vinyl Patio or Sundeck in the Rain

Door handle plus looking through rain soaked window at neighbouring house

Renovating a Vinyl Patio or Sundeck in the Rain

It’s not hard to notice the amount of dampness this spring has brought – is it preventing you from starting a project to renovate your vinyl patio or sundeck? If it has, we have a few tips to help you get it done.

Should You a Renovate Vinyl Patio or Sundecks in the Rain?

In an ideal world, the rain would disappear the first day of March and not come back until early October. At the very least, it would stay away the week of your renovation. But some years, such as this one, just aren’t going to cooperate. So you’re stuck choosing between delay or deluge.

With rain being a part of living in North America, we’ve found ways to work around the rain, rather than avoiding it. You can do the same, should you choose.

Hire a Contractor or DIY?

Doing it yourself is a way to save money, but those savings can quickly evaporate if you have to invest in tools or materials to get the job done right. Depending on the size of your project, it might not be practical to rent or purchase tarps to keep your space dry.

Additionally, professional vinyl decking installers are used to working in adverse conditions and can adapt – so your vinyl patio or sundeck project gets completed more quickly.

Why is a Dry Vinyl Patio Installation Important?

The purpose of a vinyl membrane is to create a waterproof seal, so going forward there’s no dampness underneath. This makes it vital to ensure that the patio or deck surface is completely dry when the vinyl decking is installed. In areas that receive regular rain, this might require you to tarp off the area a few days ahead of time, to ensure that the space is damp-free when it comes time to put down your decking.

Additionally, you want to make sure that all of the seals are dry: between seams of the vinyl membrane, between the decking and the edge of your home (with flashing), around posts, over the edge of the deck, etc.

When to Hire a Professional Decking Contractor

Installing a vinyl membrane can require professional expertise, particularly in adverse conditions like rain. Professionals have years of experience and training to ensure they have the skills and equipment to get the job done quickly and correctly.

Rainy weather doesn’t have to kill your dream of a new vinyl patio or sundeck – if you have either the right materials or a good contractor to help!

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