Roof Decks

Finding Inspiration for a New Vinyl Deck

At some point this year you might have taken a look at your vinyl deck and felt less than enthused. So now you’re ready to consider a renovation – but where do you begin? Finding inspiration for your new vinyl deck project can seem like a big challenge, but Tuff Industries has a few tips […]

Rooftop Gardening Ideas

If your townhouse, or condo, or home leaves little room to enjoy nature, perhaps it’s time to consider installing a garden on your roof deck or patio? For very little investment you can enjoy all the splendors of your own little forest or garden oasis, with a few tips from Tufdek, of course. Start by […]

Spring Vinyl Deck Inspection Checklist

It’s spring, even if some parts of North American haven’t figured it out yet. Regardless of the weather in your area, it’s vital to complete semi-annual maintenance tasks associated with your vinyl deck, roof deck, or patio. Tuff Industries has pulled together this handy document to help minimize maintenance time and maximize the lifespan of […]

5 Mother’s Day Gifts to Compliment Vinyl Decks 2018

Mother’s Day is just around the corner – are you struggling for a gift? Tuff Industries has pulled together some of the best, last-minute gifts for the Mother in your life, to compliment her garden or to decorate vinyl decks. Delicious Barbecue For all the nights that mom cooks dinner, give her a chance for […]

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