Deck Maintenance Tips by Tufdek™ – Leaves
Deck Maintenance Tips – Tufdek Vinyl Decking
Now that you’re done using your deck for the year (unless you’re lucky enough to live in a warmer climate), it’s tempting to just let the leaves lie on vinyl patios and decks and worry about it in the spring. So, why shouldn’t you? We have a few reasons, and they are all good deck maintenance tips! Tufdek has a few things to consider when it comes to deck maintenance and clearing leaves off your Patio or Deck.
Vinyl Patios & Decks can Stain
As the leaves soften and break down, they can leave behind pigments that can stain your deck – sometimes permanently. Unless you want your work cut out for you in the spring, clearing leaves off vinyl patios and decks now is a way better plan.
Deck Maintenance – Leaves are Slippery!
Decomposing leaves quickly get slippery, quickly. This can create a hazard when using your outdoor space, especially if stairs are involved. Unless you want to completely close off your space for the season, clearing the leaves will help create a safe area. You might want to also consider waterproofing outdoor stairs with our roof-grade Tufdek vinyl decking.
Watch out for Mold and Mildew
Wet, decomposing leaves are one thing, but in damp weather, you’ll also have to contend with mold and mildew as well. This might not seem like a problem now, but as everything dries out the spores can become airborne. Not only is this a health hazard, but it means the mold and mildew can spread.
Enjoy Vinyl Patios and Decks Year Round
A clean deck or patio space gives you the opportunity to enjoy your space outside of the regular warm season. Sunny weekend? Sit outdoors! Full stove for Thanksgiving? Use the barbecue! Even in midwinter, you can find opportunities to enjoy your patios and decks. While you’re at it, put in some roofing so you can have more chances to use your deck or patio.
Don’t Forget Underneath
Leaves accumulated on patios and decks are important, but so are leaves and other debris that find their way underneath. While it might not seem as important, you’re going to have the same issues below your deck as above. Clean below a deck or patio, and for patios consider closing in the space underneath to keep out debris to save time next year.
While clearing off patios and decks, take a look at your decking to ensure that it is still intact. Otherwise, you might want to schedule a vinyl patio or deck refurbishment with an Authorized Tufdek Dealer, if not for fall, then at least for next spring.
Contact Us Today
Tufdek waterproof vinyl decking is not only the world’s strongest vinyl decking but it looks great! With 14 color patterns to choose from Tufdek has a design that compliments any home’s exterior. With a 15 year warranty and Authorized Dealers, Tufdek can transform any outdoor space into a warm, welcoming space. Contact us today for more information about using Tufdek on your next project! Our team of waterproofing professionals is always ready to help answer any questions you may have about our waterproof deck system. So, what are you waiting for, stop maintaining and start enjoying your deck today!
Reduce Your Deck Maintenance With Tufdek Waterproof Vinyl Decking