Vinyl Decking

Tips for High-Tech Vinyl Patios and Decks

Remember back when the height of luxury on vinyl patios and decks was a couple of lawn chairs, and maybe an umbrella. No longer. As people spend more and more time enjoying their homes, vinyl decks and patios are stepping up their game to become another “room” in the house to enjoy. So how do […]

New Tufdek Vinyl Decking Videos

Here are two new Tufdek vinyl decking videos. We’re really excited to introduce these two new commercial spots for Tufdek vinyl, which you might be seeing on television sometime soon. Check them out!      

May is Deck Safety Month: Check Your Vinyl Deck!

As May has arrived once more, the North American Deck & Railing Association is reminding us once again the importance of checking your vinyl deck regularly to ensure its’ safety. With that in mind, Tuff Industries has compiled a list of areas to check this spring: Step One: Sound Wood for a Sound Vinyl Deck […]

5 Makeover Ideas for Vinyl Patios

As the snow melts, you might take a look at your vinyl patio or deck and sigh, thinking that it needs some work, that it’s looking a bit shabby. So what’s the best way to revitalize vinyl patios and decks? Tuff Industries has some ideas. Idea #1: New Vinyl Membrane One of the quickest way […]

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