Vinyl Deck Installation

Vinyl Deck Safety Month is Just Around the Corner – Are you ready?

May is deck safety month, and at Tuff Industries we take deck safety very seriously. Whether you have a vinyl deck or a different type of deck surface, it’s important to look your deck over to ensure that it’s safe before you start hosting any backyard get-togethers. Feel free to check out the North American […]

Waterproof Decking for a Flat Roof Deck

We all know there are different types of roof decking material (asphalt, wood, metal, etc.), but there’s one type of waterproof flat roof deck material that’s just a bit different than the rest: waterproof vinyl for roof decking. Although it’s a waterproof roof PVC membrane, Tufdek vinyl has extra qualities: it’s durable, long-lasting, and walkable. […]

Reduce Wood Deck Maintenance with Vinyl Decking

Wood decks do offer a neat look – but unless you’re prepared for a huge amount of maintenance it might be better to find an alternative. Whether you are building a new deck/patio, or simply want to refresh the look of your current deck, vinyl decking offers major advantages over wood. Tuff Industries explains why: […]

Ask Tuff Industries: Should we get a vinyl deck inspection?

Here’s a common homeowner question: Once you settle into your new (or new-to-you) home (or have been settled for a few years), should you hire someone for a vinyl deck inspection? When? How often? Don’t worry – Tuff Industries has the answer and all the details. Why get a vinyl deck inspection? The primary reason you […]

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