Rental Property Improvement – Tufdek™

View of a lake from newly resurfaced deck featuring waterproof vinyl decking

Rental Property Improvement – Tufdek™

Rental Property Improvement – Waterproof Vinyl Decking

Rental housing can be a boon for anyone looking for an extra income source, or it can be a financial drain and an enormous hassle. The key to ensuring that your rental home, condo, or other residence is financially viable is to find a balance between quality and an affordable rental property improvement that will keep your rental in tip-top condition. So what do we suggest when it comes to decks, patios, or balconies? Tufdek Waterproof Deck Solutions is the answer!

Low Maintenance

While you could slap a coat of stain or paint on your rental deck and call it a day; in the long run, this isn’t a good plan. It means you’ll have to continue this upkeep year after year and that time adds up. However, if you choose to install Tufdek Vinyl Decking, you’ll simply need to sweep off the deck in the spring and fall (which your tenant can likely manage).


Installing long-lasting decking materials can go a long way towards cutting down on annual expenses to make your rental property more profitable. A Tufdek vinyl membrane is an excellent rental property improvement. Once installed, it can last 20 years or more. That means at least two decades where you don’t have to worry about your vinyl deck.

Waterproofing Protection

Water and wood don’t go well together, as we know. You can help your rental deck and the home/building by installing a vinyl membrane. It will protect not only the surface of the deck/patio but also keep water away from the underlying structure and the building. Waterproofing is a key rental property improvement with peace of mind for many, many years.

Around Pools

If your rental house, apartment building, or other investment property has a pool you might want to consider a vinyl deck membrane for a pool surround. It will enhance the look of the pool and cover up any unsightly broken or cracked concrete. Tufdek has beautiful colors and designs to complement any outdoor space.

Resale Value

Sprucing up a rental before selling can help you get a better return on your investment, as well as helping the property to sell more quickly. Covering decks and patios with a Tufdek vinyl membrane is a quick rental property improvement. Tufdek is a simple way to give the place a facelift, without an extensive investment (time or money).

Having a professional installation is important to ensure that the vinyl deck surfaces are correctly installed. Additionally, the contractor can ensure that your deck is safe for future renters. Save money and protect your investment, all in one go!

Contact Us

For more information about using Tufdek for your next rental property improvement contact us today! Our team is always happy to help.

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