Tufdek Blog

5 Ways to Improve Vinyl Deck Curb Appeal

A lot of emphasis is put on curb appeal in order to sell a home, but your vinyl deck curb appeal is just as important. While curb appeal will certainly attract attention upon initial inspection, a derelict or unattended deck can cost you a sale. Tuff Industries recommends you consider a few improvements to bump […]

5 Great Recipes for Vinyl Patio Parties

With both Canada Day (Happy 150th!) and the Fourth of July coming up, we’ve pulled together a few recipes to make for a successful party on your vinyl patio. We’ve all been there – you’re planning on having a few guests over, but don’t want to go through a ton of trouble to prepare a […]

Finding Inspiration for a New Vinyl Deck

At some point this year you might have taken a look at your vinyl deck and felt less than enthused. So now you’re ready to consider a renovation – but where do you begin? Finding inspiration for your new vinyl deck project can seem like a big challenge, but Tuff Industries has a few tips […]

Causes of Deck Collapse – Is Your Vinyl Deck at Risk?

We see the headlines, but we rarely connect the fact that deck collapses happen more often than we think. During National Deck Safety Month, Tuff Industries wants to help homeowners understand the causes and ensure that their vinyl deck is safe. Here are just a few of the headlines in recent years: Six injured, one […]

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