Vinyl Decking

Spring Maintenance for Vinyl Deck Surfaces

It might not be here just yet, but spring is just around the corner and that means preparing your vinyl decking surface for a few lovely months of enjoyment. Over the winter, various dirt and debris has been collecting on the deck, along with possibly snow and de-icer, which all need to be cleared before […]

Countdown to New Vinyl Deck Season

Although it’s roughly three months (give or take a snowstorm) until vinyl deck building season begins, now is the time to get started. Even if you only have a hunch that this year will involve a new deck for your home, cottage, or condo, you need to start planning now in order to be positioned […]

Patio Vinyl Flooring in the Fall

A Little TLC for Your Patio Vinyl Flooring in the Fall For many homeowners, the first fallen leaves from the trees indicate that it’s time to pack things in and head indoors but don’t forget to give your patio vinyl flooring a little TLC as well. Sunny fall afternoons are a terrific time to enjoy […]

When It’s Time for a New Vinyl Deck

All structures have a lifespan – from your home itself to all the little extras, including vinyl decks, patios, roof decks, etc. The tricky part is deciding whether it’s time for your deck to get renovated, or replaced.  Fortunately, Tuff Industries can help you with that decision. The major indicator that your deck is failing […]

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