Vinyl Deck Installation

Ask Tuff Industries: Should we get a vinyl deck inspection?

Here’s a common homeowner question: Once you settle into your new (or new-to-you) home (or have been settled for a few years), should you hire someone for a vinyl deck inspection? When? How often? Don’t worry – Tuff Industries has the answer and all the details. Why get a vinyl deck inspection? The primary reason you […]

Deck Collapse: Tips to Keep Your Vinyl Deck Safe

There have been several, high-profile deck collapses in the news recently, and with that comes the concern that your own vinyl deck might be at risk. Tuff Industries will help you ensure that your vinyl deck (and anyone who uses it) is safe for the long term. June-August = Deck Collapse Season Why do the […]

Signs to Start Planning for a New Vinyl Deck

A beautiful summer is over, making now the right time to evaluate your vinyl deck to see if it might be time to start planning a renovation. Tuff Industries recommends that all deck owners give their structure a long look to locate any issues that might become more of a problem as the winter sets […]

Thinking About Floating Vinyl Flooring for Your Deck?

Now that summer is winding down; you’re probably thinking about next year and how you can improve your backyard space. If building a deck or patio isn’t possible, based on your home’s structure, budget, or layout, consider building a deck with floating vinyl flooring in your yard. Tuff Industries explains how. What Makes Floating Vinyl […]

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