Roof Decks

Waterproof Decking for a Flat Roof Deck

We all know there are different types of roof decking material (asphalt, wood, metal, etc.), but there’s one type of waterproof flat roof deck material that’s just a bit different than the rest: waterproof vinyl for roof decking. Although it’s a waterproof roof PVC membrane, Tufdek vinyl has extra qualities: it’s durable, long-lasting, and walkable. […]

Guide to Outdoor Kitchen on Vinyl Decks & Patios

Now that the weather is warming, you might want to think about how much you’re going to use your vinyl deck or patio this year. One major trend in outdoor entertainment this year is to get even more use out of your spaces by installing an outdoor kitchen. But why should you install an outdoor […]

4 Things to Consider Before Replacing a Vinyl Roof Deck

Making major repairs on a home can be a hassle, one that we all love to postpone. With vinyl roof decks, however, delaying repairs could lead to major structural damage to your home. Additionally, it could compromise the safety of your vinyl roof deck. Before you jump in with a full vinyl roof deck replacement, […]

Common Enemies of a Vinyl Deck Surface

Covering your deck with a vinyl deck surface is a great way to a) protect your deck for the long term, and b) instantly refresh and revitalize your deck. However, it’s important to keep in mind that a vinyl deck surface is not infallible, so you must ensure that you keep any “enemies” away – […]

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