Roof Decks

Preparing Your Vinyl Roof Deck for Winter

Tips to Ensure Vinyl Roof Deck Readiness for Cold Weather There are specific things you can do when preparing your deck for winter. As the leaves fall and debris collects around your vinyl roof deck, balcony, or patio, you might be thinking fondly of curling up beside the fireplace rather than enjoying the outdoors. Before […]

Outdoor Living Room with Tufdek™

Do you step out on your deck and immediately feel like heading back inside? Perhaps it’s time to try a few of these suggestions and use Tufdek vinyl decking to make your outside space feel more like an outdoor living room. Let Tufdek help you get more enjoyment out of your deck, patio, porch, or […]

Top Vinyl Deck Tips for Spring

Best Practices for Getting Decks Ready If you’re hearing the chirp of birds and have seen a few plants poking their way through the snow, then perhaps spring is finally on its way. Before you know it, the sun will feel warmer, and you’ll be ready to spend time on your vinyl deck. But will […]

Enclosing the Space Under your Vinyl Deck or Patio

Double Vinyl Deck Duty with a Waterproof Vinyl Membrane It’s probably something you’ve never thought of – you have a beautiful new or refitted vinyl deck or patio to enjoy – who cares what’s underneath it? You will, of course, as the space under vinyl decks can become a haven for all kinds of critters, […]

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