Gift Ideas

Planning a Vinyl Roof Deck Staycation

We are all taking fewer big trips these days so why not enjoy your time off at home and plan a vinyl roof deck staycation? Many of our clients that waterproofed their roof decks with our Tufdek vinyl are making the absolute best of it. Here are some helpful tips to help make your vinyl […]

Tips for High-Tech Vinyl Patios and Decks

Remember back when the height of luxury on vinyl patios and decks was a couple of lawn chairs, and maybe an umbrella. No longer. As people spend more and more time enjoying their homes, vinyl decks and patios are stepping up their game to become another “room” in the house to enjoy. So how do […]

Shade Solutions for Vinyl Roof Decks

It’s hot! Regardless of where you live, you’ve likely noticed that there’s a fine line between enjoying the sun on your vinyl roof deck to finding it a bit overwhelming. Part of maximizing the enjoyment of your vinyl roof deck or patio is ensuring that you can also access shade when needed. Tuff Industries has […]

5 Makeover Ideas for Vinyl Patios

As the snow melts, you might take a look at your vinyl patio or deck and sigh, thinking that it needs some work, that it’s looking a bit shabby. So what’s the best way to revitalize vinyl patios and decks? Tuff Industries has some ideas. Idea #1: New Vinyl Membrane One of the quickest way […]

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