Deck Waterproofing

Vinyl Roof Decks  – 4 Reasons to Hire a Professional

While we live in an age where DIY projects are the norm, some home improvements should still be handled by a professional. Installing vinyl roof decks falls under that category. Tuff Industries explains why it’s so important to hire a professional to correctly install vinyl roof decks. Reason One: Installing Access to Vinyl Roof Decks Challenges […]

Causes of Deck Collapse – Is Your Vinyl Deck at Risk?

We see the headlines, but we rarely connect the fact that deck collapses happen more often than we think. During National Deck Safety Month, Tuff Industries wants to help homeowners understand the causes and ensure that their vinyl deck is safe. Here are just a few of the headlines in recent years: Six injured, one […]

Vinyl Deck Safety Month is Just Around the Corner – Are you ready?

May is deck safety month, and at Tuff Industries we take deck safety very seriously. Whether you have a vinyl deck or a different type of deck surface, it’s important to look your deck over to ensure that it’s safe before you start hosting any backyard get-togethers. Feel free to check out the North American […]

Top Reasons to Install Vinyl Decking Rather than Paint

You’ve seen the infomercials – why wouldn’t you just paint an old deck, rather than install vinyl decking? In just one weekend you could have a deck that looks amazing! Like the adage, if it’s too good to be true, it probably is – and that goes double for deck painting. We’ll explain why you’re […]

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