Tufdek Blog


Happy 2015! While you might be busy making personal resolutions to eat better, exercise more, etc., don’t forget that your home could use some resolutions too – especially since you spend most of your free time there. So, how about making some resolutions for your vinyl deck? Tuff Industries has some recommendations. Declutter Your Vinyl […]

Considering a Renovation? Why a New Vinyl Deck Makes Sense

When you find a little extra money in the household budget and your home is feeling in need of a change it’s time to consider a renovation. Here’s why Tuff Industries recommends installing a new vinyl deck as the best choice for your next renovation: A Vinyl Deck Provides More Space to Host If your […]

Ultimate Labor Day Vinyl Deck Party Guide

Labor Day weekend is a terrific time to throw a party on your vinyl deck or patio. For one, it’s the end of summer and deserves a great send off. Also, by now most of your friends and family will have taken their vacations and will be returning home, so you know they can attend. […]

10 Reasons to Love Vinyl Decking

Given all the choices in decking materials, why choose a vinyl decking? If you’ve never considered the benefits of a vinyl membrane on your deck, join us as Tuff Industries explores just why it’s the best choice to protect your deck and home. Reason One: Easy Install Depending on the condition of your deck, installing […]

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